The Mandibular Cervical Skull Disorders (TMD/TMJ)

The Mandibular Cranio Cervical Skull/Mandibular Disorders (TMD Temporary Mandibular Disorders) constitute a set of painful and/or dysfunctional conditions of an inflammatory or degenerative nature affecting the temporomandibular joints, the masticatory muscles and the structures that contract anatomo-functional relationships with them.

Can derive from numerous factors, individually or combined, such as the simultaneous presence of malocclusion dental, biological and psychological phenomena, trauma e predisposing lifestyles. .

Frequently manifests with  pain mandibular and cervical pain, headache, altered and limited mandibular movements, mandibular temporomandibular joint noises.

I sometimes moderate symptoms often evolve positively even spontaneously, in other cases a chronic condition develops, with persistent pain and physical, behavioural and psychological symptoms.

The   approach is recommended in the Guide lines issued by the Ministry of Health (Health Notebook n.7 Jan-Feb 2011) and in Clinical Recommendations in Dentistry – (January 2014) it focuses on the history and clinical examination of the chewing apparatus.

“…It is of fundamental importance to check the occlusal function by surveying the occlusal guides and any dental interference. Important is the verification of the function of the mandibular mobility with the observation of the opening and closing path and the measurement of the opening capacity…”.

Diagnostic follow-ups must be prescribed at the clinician’s discretion and should only be carried out if the outcome may lead to changes in the therapeutic approach.

In most cases temporomandibular disorders are treated with a conservative approach, rarely and only  for non-reversible structural alterations and damage to TMJ that do not respond to conservative therapies invasive/surgical therapies can be evaluated.

The Mandibular Cranio Cervical Skull/Mandibular Disorders (TMD Temporary Mandibular Disorders) are a significant social problem affecting about 5-12%of the world’s population, making it the second most frequent musculoskeletal problem after back pain.

l Mandibular Cranial Cervical Skull Disorders (TMD Temporary Mandibular Disorders)  are more frequent in women (ratio 4:1) with a prevalent onset between 20-40 years of age.

In most cases the onset of symptoms is spontaneous due to loss of natural adaptability or the onset of one of the other cuasal factors, but it is frequent even after trauma such as whiplash or as a result of dental maneuvers that alter the natural dental occlusion.

Mandibular Temporary Mandibular Disorders Therapeutic Procedures

Although there are many divergences on the most appropriate therapeutic procedures, the search for objective measures of mandibular and masticatory dysfunction represents a very useful added value with all the therapeutic procedures used.

kinesiographyelectromiographyelectrosonography measure muscle balance, jaw movements and joint noise in an objective manner; are indicated to determine the degree of involvement of dental occlusion in the clinical picture and are essential if the therapeutic effects generated by occlusal therapy are to be documented.  

In cases of mandibular dysfunction due to dental malocclusion ithe restoration of neuromuscular balance of the masticatory apparatus is obtained in a conservative reversible manner with bite  Orthotic neuromuscular for the certified positive effects on the mandibular motor system.

The most widespread method concerns the continuous day and night use of the orthotic, specifically designed for aesthetic characteristics and respect for swallowing and phonation, allows over a period of several months to stimulate the natural healing process of the injured tissues.

However, complete control of the symptoms is also subordinate to control of the other triggers.

Pharmacological treatments in the acute, physiotherapeutic and osteopathic phases for ascending pathological pictures are often indicated and prescribed by clinicians.

Online Resources on Mandibular Cranio Cervical Skull Disorders (TMD Temporary Mandibular Disorders)

Site entirely dedicated to Mandibular Cranio Cervical Disorders with clear and accurate illustration of causes, pathogenesis, symptoms, diagnosis and possible therapies.

Possibility to fill in a gnathological evaluation test online, to ask for a free gnathological consultation online and to consult the FAQ.

Website of the National Institute of Dental and Craniofacial Research with page dedicated to Temporomandibular Joint and Muscle Disorders

Milwaukee TMJ Association – USA website offering medical scientific information and support within a virtual community of people suffering from these disorders.

Definition of TMJD on wikipedia-en.

Article on Temporomandibular Joint Syndrome (TMJ) in a site dedicated to health and wellness.