TMD Relief: Product description
.2015-2016-2017 Patented solution (EU)
EU Patent EP3285680
FI2015A000119 (24/04/2015)
WO2016170417 (23/04/2016)

1. What is TMD Relief
The TMD Relief is a non-sterile and non-measuring Class I medical device conforming to 2007/47/EC, for the exercise of the mouth muscles.
The TMD Relief is configured as a simple and modular device, able to adapt to the morphological needs of the patient based on his specific conformation.
2. What is it for: Directions
The aim of TMD Relief is to allow people affected by acute and chronic head and neck pain to perform home muscle exercises in addition to or instead of expensive professional therapies.
TMD Relief is an innovative tool for the exercise of the muscles of the mouth that intervenes in the therapy of TMD through the reduction of muscle tension.
TMD Relief is particularly suitable for therapies in cases of:
- Secondary acufene
- Bruxism
- Tensive secondary dental headaches
- Non-otological reflex otalgies
- Atypical facial neuralgia
- Difficulty in opening the jaw
- Pre- and post-dental work therapy (long sessions or extractions)
- Rehabilitation after surgery
3. The advantages of TMD Relief: How it differs from what is already on the market

The TMD Relief is an innovative medical device capable of distinguishing itself clearly from what is already on the market.
The TMD Relief is in fact a modular tool and totally adaptable to the needs of every patient.
By acting on the external slides, the device can be adjusted for the best response and adaptation to the patient’s morphology without affecting the force excerted by the device. In this way it is possible to follow the development of the reaction in the exercise cycle.

Using the blades you can determine the arm followed by the resistance excerted during the exercise.

By acting on the spring preload, it is possible to make the response more or less “hard”.

Thanks to the decoupling of the functions, TMD Relief enables the optimal exercise to be carried out over time, regardless of the patient’s morphology.
4. What it replaces
In the past devices already have been proposed to reduce the degree of muscle tension and alleviate the symptoms of the temporomandibular joint disorders; these are almost exclusively individual devices built by dentists and classified as bite , which is not equipped with specific construction indications, but is made and managed under clinical and/or instrumental control.
In contrast to these devices, industrial appliances have been proposed with the aim to exercise the muscular mandibular, each with a peculiar mechanism, but with a single purpose: To generate relaxation of the muscles without having to undertake expensive specialized therapies.
TMD Relief effectively replaces both approaches, the bite or splint therapy and the state of the art tools for mandibular exercise.
5. Exercise cycle
Based on the tests carried out, the best results are achieved with a therapy that is repeated twice a year and lasts for one month (altogether two months a year).
The TMD Relief should be used daily for the length of the two months of therapy. The duration is 10 minutes per day (to be performed continuously or in 5 cycles of 2 minutes scanned during the day).
One session per week at the dental/medical practice is recommended in order to check the progress and adjustment of the medical device.
For more information about the optimal exercise contact us by clicking here.
6. Tests and experimental results
The measurement took place before, during and after an operation with Kinesiograph (K7 SYSTEM MYTRONICS®) and surface electromyography (TEETHAN BTS BIOENGINEERING).
The tested persons were volunteers with an average age of 35.7 years without signs and symptoms of TMD according to international DC/TMD criteria and without dental gaps or removable prostheses.
Results of the tests were taken at initial conditions before exercise and after 10 minutes of exercise. There has also been a control test.